Kadaknath Benefits
About Kadaknath
The Kadaknath is an Indian breed of chicken. Most of the internal organs of these birds exhibit intense black colouration which is due to the deposition of melanin pigment in the connective tissue of organs and in the dermis. The black flesh of Kadaknath is very delicious and very popular among the native tribal people.
The commonly available varieties of Kadaknath are jet-black pencilled and Golden, which are found in Jhabua. The bird is very popular among the Adiwasis mainly due to its special capabilities such as adaptability
to local environmental, disease resistance, meat quality, texture and flavour.
The peculiarity of this breed is that most of the internal organs show the characteristic black pigmentation .
The shining blue tinge of the earlobes adds to its unique features.
Kadaknath possesses a distinctive taste.
The tribal uses Kadaknath blood in the treatment of chronic disease in human beings and its meat is believed to be an aphrodisiac. Kadaknath possesses a distinctive taste and has special medicinal value for treating nervous disorders and in addition to it is claimed to be a well known aphrodisiac.
Abundant clinical experience has indicated that Kadaknath chicken has a peculiar effectiveness in treating women's discuss, sterility, menoxenic (abnormal menstruation), habitual abortion, blood leucorrhoea, metorrhagia and sickness after giving birth to offspring and also aids in curing pulmonary problems - tuberculosis (TB), heart diseases, neurasthenia (a condition of nervous debility supposed to be dependent upon impairment in the functions of the spinal cord), and children's osteomalacia neurasthenia (a condition marked by softening of the bones).
The eggs of Kadaknath chicken can be used effectively to treat headaches, headaches after giving birth, faintness, asthma and nephritis (acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney). The eggs are also an ideal nutritive, especially for old people and high blood pressure victims, since the cholesterol content is lower and free amino acids which are found to be higher than that of eggs of other kinds of birds.